
First time, start here

First time, start here

If you are here for the first time, start here to get to the good stuff. Also, be sure to read the wedding news, sign up for updates and sign the guestbook. We can’t wait to see you in June! Accommodations (wedding block…

Let us visualize

Let us visualize

The day by day meal tally. Life is always better with a good graph. Update 5/6: Lobster has taken a commanding lead. Update 5/10: Beef is making a comeback.

Lobster Dinner

Lobster Dinner

For those of you who are interested in eating a traditional lobster dinner while you are in the area for our wedding, we wanted to tell you that the lobster indicated on your RSVP card represents a traditional New England lobster dinner…

Music Request Form

Music Request Form

Humans like to celebrate and often those celebrations involve music. Since we are human (well most of us), we thought we would follow tradition an involve music with our reception. But seriously, our DJ offers an online request system, so…

Driving Distance

Driving Distance

From one map geek/traveler to you, the viewer, knowing how far you can travel around your destination is critical. There are a lot of great websites for calculating driving distances as a radius from a fixed point. Free Map Tools,…

Get oriented

Get oriented

Southeastern Connecticut is a charming slice of nautical New England along the shores of Long Island Sound. This page aims to help you orient yourself with the area as you step into the view point of several flying objects. Soaring…

Come one, come all.

Come one, come all.

Don’t worry, we didn’t post our guest addresses online, just a simple map of states represented by our guests. The map above outlines the states that we mailed save the dates postcards. The key below will be updated as we…

What island is that?

What island is that?

The first time Katharine and I stood on the patio at the Pavilion we wondered if we could see Long Island on the distant horizon. Being the geek that I am, I thought it would be useful to explain why…