Archive for December, 2012

Driving Distance

Driving Distance

From one map geek/traveler to you, the viewer, knowing how far you can travel around your destination is critical. There are a lot of great websites for calculating driving distances as a radius from a fixed point. Free Map Tools,…

Attractions: Casinos

Attractions: Casinos

For those of you who enjoy playing a game of chance or simply want to experience some of the East Coast’s best, world-class casinos, this post outlines the casinos within driving distance.

An image plus a thousand words

An image plus a thousand words

The internet has always supported bringing a richer, more immersive message for the viewer than traditional media. When we set out to build this website, we knew much of the content would be conveyed using images and while the old…

Get oriented

Get oriented

Southeastern Connecticut is a charming slice of nautical New England along the shores of Long Island Sound. This page aims to help you orient yourself with the area as you step into the view point of several flying objects. Soaring…

Come one, come all.

Come one, come all.

Don’t worry, we didn’t post our guest addresses online, just a simple map of states represented by our guests. The map above outlines the states that we mailed save the dates postcards. The key below will be updated as we…

Bring on the stamps

Bring on the stamps

In the hands of the United States Post Office, our save the date postcards are ready to be mailed. Check back often for daily updates to our blog for the 200 days up to the wedding. domain technical data ….

Ready to be stamped

Ready to be stamped

After several rounds of proofs, art changes and stock samples, Katharine and John’s save the date postcards are finally ready to be stamped. The front image on the postcard was from a scan of a 1930s postcard distributed by the…